Yes, you really can sell crochet without selling yourself short, and here are some tips to get more buyers who will love and value what you do!

Creative types who turn their passion into a business often agree – finding a market that values their work, and is willing to pay for it, can be one of the hardest obstacles to overcome.

Most of what is offered as an artist is typically not a necessity (you know, food, shelter, water, air…), so finding your ideal clients, without the hassle of questioning your value, is an ideal plan of action.

And so, if you want to sell crochet, and you want to avoid:

  • People haggling you on price
  • Feeling like your crochet is undervalued
  • Wondering where your next sale is going to come from
  • And finally… what crochet is worth

You are definitely not alone!

In this article I’ll share 5 simple tips to help you overcome the hagglers, stop selling yourself short, and start selling more crochet!

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

5 Simple Tips To Get Paid What Your Crochet Is Worth - American Crochet Association

Raise your prices

That’s right, my first tip is to raise your prices.

Lowering your prices (or, having low prices) may not lead to more sales.

In fact, it may actually give clients a poor perception of your value.

Other shop owners may under-charge because they believe price is the driving reason that people buy.

If price was the only reason people bought, Walmart would be the only place we would shop – am I right?

Charge a fair wage for yourself, and a fair price for your work, and you just may raise the perceived value of your brand to stimulate sales!

Yes, higher prices can raise perceived value and lead to more customers.

If you’re not sure what a fair wage is, or how to price the crochet items you make, here are some quick tips that will help:

How to price any crochet project in 3 simple steps

Ask for the sale

If you have something to sell, don’t be shy about it!

Creative types can be timid about their prices, and cringe when even saying them out loud.

If you’re cringing, or feeling apologetic about your prices, your client will sense that.

You don’t know how other people budget their money, and you can’t assume.

You’ve got to believe in the value of your work, and charge a fair wage to pay yourself accordingly.

When you do, your tone and delivery will be portrayed in a cool and confident way and your ideal clients will appreciate it.

Confidence is a powerful tool that will absolutely lead to more clients and even more sales.

Focus on repeat clients

Happy clients are repeat clients!

And, happy clients will be your best advocates when gaining new clients.

There is something magical about hearing a testimonial from a satisfied buyer, and it is a very compelling validation of your products, services, and prices!

When you make your clients very happy, you will find even more people who will want to do business with you.

Give buyers what they want

When you figure out what the market wants, and you can deliver it with uniqueness and value, then you will find more clients who will want to work with you!

  • What do people want to buy?
  • What are they buying?
  • What are they asking for?
  • What are they interested in?

Investigating these questions can not only help you to find gaps in the market, it can:

  • lead to new opportunities to help you grow knowledge and skill
  • reveal new products and services you can offer (possibly even better than what’s available)
  • keep you inspired, and aware of what’s happening in your market

One way I like to keep an eye on the market is to check out the Ravelry top 100 list to see which crochet patterns (projects) people are into right now.

Create WOW experiences

Companies that focus on the “wow factor” tend to have increased satisfaction rates, and much higher retention rates.

The idea is that exceeding the expectation of your clients will create amazing experiences for them.

Wow experiences don’t have to be expensive.

Some of the best ways you can offer a great experience for your clients is to make them feel heard, seen and appreciated.

Here are some examples to try:

  • Quick, easy & clear communication
  • Speedy shipping & delivery
  • Excellent customer service

And, boutique-style packaging for your products can help, too!

Remember number 3 above – happy clients are repeat clients, and repeat clients will be your best advocates!

How To Sell Crochet

Want to sell the crochet projects you make? Here are 5 great reasons you should use our crochet pricing calculator to make and sell what you love, avoid burnout, and earn a fair wage today:

Video Chat

For even more on this subject, and a bit more details on each of the 5 tips I’ve outlined in this article, check out this video chat today.

Peace, Love & Crochet – 


Do you have any tips that help clients value your work?

Let us know in the comments below or Click Here to start a conversation in our community!

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  1. All of this is sound advice. I recently did a craft fair and luck of the draw had me placed very close to 3 other crochet artists. We all had similar products, amigurumi, bags, hats, etc. While we were all setting up I noticed that their prices were significantly lower than mine. To be honest I was extremely anxious that I wouldn’t make any sales if they were selling the same things for so much cheaper. Just as an example 2 of us had jumbo sized Bumble bees made with chenille yarn. Their price was $8 and mine was $40. Being a crocheter I know that yarn is roughly $10 per skein n bees use 2 colors so that’s $20 in supplies alone. It takes me about an hour to make one. Long story short I sold out of all my bees n the other crafter was taking theirs home at the end of the day. I was shocked but learned that yes confidence is instrumental, and under valuing your work only hurts you. The ones complaining about the price are not your customers. With time you will find your customers.